Anatomical Heart

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Isora Lithgow Creations -2899.jpg
Isora Lithgow Creations -2821.jpg
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Anatomical Heart


Paint Puzzles are an at-home mural pack inspired by nature and designed for fun. They are a puzzle, a mural, and a collaborative art project all in one.

Paint Puzzles are intended for artists and non-artists alike. They are good for parties and quiet times. For children under 12, adult assistance or collaboration is recommended.

What is the size of the heart?

  • Anatomical Heart

    • Approximate size: 18” H 10” W

    • Number of pieces: 13

    • Difficulty: 1/5

What do we love about the heart?

This might be our favorite puzzle to date! Here’s why.

  • The possibility for poetry and symbolism - The heart is one of the most widely used metaphors ever. Countless idiomatic expressions showcase this including “heart of gold,” “heart of stone,” “let your heart rule your head,” “pour out your heart to somebody,” “heart of a lion,” “wear your heart on your sleeve” and many many more! Show us, and your loved ones, what your heart means to you.

  • The opportunity to build positive connections with our bodies and the chance to get to know our anatomy through art making.

  • We’ve simplified! This puzzle contains 13 pieces. This means more surface area for each individual piece—more space to paint those patterns, stories, and details!

What’s included in the box?

In addition to the 1/8” draft board pieces, the box includes:

  • tac for wall display

  • a brochure with instructions, a design example, and recommendations

  • reference guides for assembly that double as a space to practice your design

  • a reusable bag

How does it work?

First, assemble the geometric shapes to form your creature. Then, gather your materials:

  • paint (acrylics, spray paint, exterior paint)

  • brushes

  • stencils, stamps

  • collage (textured paper, magazines)

  • glitter, sequins, googly eyes

  • glue

Whether you go abstract or realistic, create individually or with a group, it’s up to you!

Once completed, the puzzles can be installed as a miniature mural in your home.

Click to add paint to your order. Additional art supplies are not included.

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